The Cats Strike Again


Well isn’t this a jolly looking feline? He/she has their party hat on ready to boogie. That, or they look like they need a nap. Wait, that sounds like a good idea right about now.


And here we have Miss Muppet just chilling in the sun with her sun hat and cool looking purple sunglasses. Ready to take charge any minute she gets. She’s thinking, “no photographs please , I’m on my break.”

A Jacket Made Out Of Jean


Wearing a jean jacket is a staple in my wardrobe. Pairing it with dresses and leggings for sure.


It pulls an outfit all together and looking polished and ready to start the day. I’d have to say that Jean jackets are very stiff to wear, but non the less, they work.

All American Lovin’ Grubb

Ya got any fries to go with that shake? That’s a common pick up line by men. Or boys I should say.


I can appreciate a great tasting shake and french fries. I’m not sure if Red Robin and/or Barney’s Hamburgers are just a U.S. Chain, but they are so tasty. Curly fries or steak fries? How about both!



Cookie Treat

I made some delicious Tollhouse Valentine’s Day break and bake cookies last night. They were fantastic. Especially gobbling on them right after taking them out of the oven. Yum! The gooey chocolate chips. That’s divine.


I would gladly share, but unfortunately I ate them all.

A Pink Drink


A nice glass of pink lemonade sounds so good right now. Ahh, with some cookies and a dollop of Daisy. I mean ice cream. This is perfect on a warm sunny day picnicking on the beach or even outside in the backyard. There are an abundance of pink lemonades, but I’ll stick with the Trader Joe’s one. Cheers!